Since November's election I have read many accounts of emotional and mental distress caused by the news. Many of these accounts, especially ones from public figures, I have dismissed as self-absorbed whining of the worst kind. But now perhaps I find myself in that place of anguish in which the mix of pessimism, worry, outrage, and general disbelief reach a dangerously high level. So, I am going to take a break from the news. (As Eric Cartman says, "Screw you guys, I'm going home.") Part of me wants to review some of the more horrific of Trump's latest utterances, but I resist. It's all been said. Besides, within twenty-four hours he'll say something even worse. I'll do what I can, and I'll be supportive of some of the important actions that are taking place to mitigate the worst effects of our current crisis. And I'll be back. But right now, I'm taking a break.

It's a beautiful morning in Malaga. The sun is shining, the sea is calm. The coffee was good. I've already worked two plus hours and it's still before 9 am. So maybe I'll go for a run along the beach. Clear my head. Feel the cool breeze. Disconnect! Maybe my brain will settle itself down sufficiently for some pondering of important questions: the parallels, for example, between baseball and baroque cathedrals (yes, really); the future of paella; the dilemmas of translating "yearning" to Spanish and "olvido" to English.
I want a o hear about the future of paella!